School-ed [passed all test so far. Pray it continues] Wrote on Cheryl's planner again xD Read a book about pulling down pride today. Update about it soon(when i'm more active enough to take it out of my bag...) Tuition(chinese) talked about the song 爱我别走 now my head is just ringing with that song -.-... wow...homed...talked to ken in bus... heh... to actually think Ken Adam and I will be under Isaiah in a few months/ days... big relief to Venus & Gerafin hahas. haha. So here it is pulling down pride hahas. here are some of the important sentences
- Pride is arrogant self-worship
- humility is demonstrated not in putting ourself down, but lifting others up
- the man who does not fear God cannot detect his own sinfulness.His pride blinds him to it
let us control ourself and not let our pride blind us. Pride blinds men from the gospel.
Matthew 22:12 tells us that "For whoever exalts himself will be humbled and whoever humbles himself will be exalted."
let us humble ourselves and tell God that we need Him.